Child Care Scare: Part 1 - How Employers Can Help
.Employers are getting more "family friendly for employees with young children. There's a good reason: it pays off.
Like That Catch? Click Here and Pay Me!
We find ways to cheat at almost everything. A brush with cheating this week makes me think — why do we do it?
Restoring American Hope: Scorched Earth or Reseeding?
Americans say they are really ready for change. Democrats are taking an approach that sounds a lot of like the Republicans of 1968.
Going Out of Your Mind
If you want to transform move from a life of the mind to a life of the body, be prepared for some pain.
The Olympics the Rest of the World Sees
For most countries, the Summer Olympics is a wipeout.
Maybe You Can Drive My Car… But What Else?
Early studies suggest we are willing to defer to AI’s to make tough decisions. How far are we willing to go?
Make America Join Again
It’s time to start a new epidemic in America: joining. We’ve done it before.
When You’re Great — and Anonymous
For every two weeks of Olympic glory, Olympians put in an unsexy, under the radar 1445 days of hard work.
The Original Blueprints for the City Upon a Hill
A line from a 1630 sermon has become a talking point for American politicians. They should read the original document a little more closely.
One Big Thing to Learn from… Denmark
Danes are twice as trusting as Americans. That pays off in some big and unexpected ways. What can the US learn from Denmark?
How Not to Build a Brand
If you want your website to remain undiscovered, follow these four steps.
D-Day, Dad’s Day and a Message to a Complaining Nation
The lessons we learn from our parents stick with us. The children of World War II veterans got some special insights.