Child Care Scare: Part 1 - How Employers Can Help
.Employers are getting more "family friendly for employees with young children. There's a good reason: it pays off.
Maybe You Can Drive My Car… But What Else?
Early studies suggest we are willing to defer to AI’s to make tough decisions. How far are we willing to go?
How Not to Build a Brand
If you want your website to remain undiscovered, follow these four steps.
What Can We Do to Be More Interesting Than an Algorithm?
If we want to avoid the fate of the humans in Wall-E, we’re going to need to get much better at change and creation
America’s Worst Best Presidential Candidate
Not many politicians have any idea of what work looks like for everyday Americans — and what it would take to make it better. A look back to one politician who took time to learn, and what we might still learn from his example today.
Fishing to Catch People Part 3: Buying the Fish
Would you move to another state if someone offered you $10,000 for a home downpayment? Free workspace? Zipline passes? A free mountain bike? across the country, small towns are looking for an edge as they go people-hunting.
Fishing to Catch People Part 2: Landing the Fish
There are at least three challenges rural communities need to resolve if they are going to land new residents.
Fishing to Catch People Part 1: Casting a Line
What would it take for rural America to reel in more residents? Jobs. But a couple of researchers argue that there companies don’t have to move there — just the people.
Doing Well By Doing Good
We have this growing misconception that corporations are people. But they aren’t. And that’s not why they give back to communities.
Whatever Happened to Saving for a Rainy Day?
We don’t save for rainy days anymore. Here’s how we might start.
Affordable Housing Part 4: Location, Vocation and Motivation
It’s hard to know where to start in addressing our complex affordable housing problem. Here are three places we can focus our attention.
Affordable Housing Part 3: Converting NIMBY’s to YIMBY’s
Converting NIMBY’s to YIMBY’s involves addressing their fears systematically.