Doing Well By Doing Good
We have this growing misconception that corporations are people. But they aren’t. And that’s not why they give back to communities.
Whatever Happened to Saving for a Rainy Day?
We don’t save for rainy days anymore. Here’s how we might start.
Affordable Housing Part 4: Location, Vocation and Motivation
It’s hard to know where to start in addressing our complex affordable housing problem. Here are three places we can focus our attention.
The Ultimate Super Bowl Quiz for NonGambling, NonFootball Experts
With record numbers of bettors — and record numbers of newbies — watching this year’s Super Bowl, break out this Super Bowl quiz at your Super Bowl party….
Why Is It So Hard to Hear Good News?: Velcro, Algorithms, Politics and Snickers Bars
A further look at why, when some things are going well in the US, so many people feel so negative about so many things. It’s not just our negativity bias.
Affordable Housing Part 3: Converting NIMBY’s to YIMBY’s
Converting NIMBY’s to YIMBY’s involves addressing their fears systematically.
Affordable Housing Part 2: Fact Checking NIMBY’s Greatest Fears
My experience having affordable housing down the street was that it had no effect on my property value. But the plural of anecdote is not data. What the data shows about the impact of affordable housing on property values may surprise you.
Affordable Housing Part 1: Do We Really Want More of It?
Call it “affordable” housing. Call it “workforce” housing. We don’t have enough of it. That causes big problems not just for those who need it, but for all of us.
2023: A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year (Not)
Don’t buy the hype; there was plenty to be happy about in 2023 — if you look for it.
Stocking Stuffers - 5 Songs New This Year
What kind of grownup did Cindy Lou Who turn out to be? This question and more answered in 5 new Christmas songs…
5 Gems in the Nontraditional Christmas Song Bag of Coal
It’s hard to squeegee an original song into the traditional Christmas play list. Here are five worth listening to.
Hit “Refresh” on Your Christmas Song Standards
You won’t hear Rudolph’s reaction to the rhino-shaming he endured on the standard version of the song, but you will if you read this post. Treat yourself to that and 9 other fun or moving versions of Christmas favorites.