Doing Well By Doing Good
We have this growing misconception that corporations are people. But they aren’t. And that’s not why they give back to communities.
Whatever Happened to Saving for a Rainy Day?
We don’t save for rainy days anymore. Here’s how we might start.
Affordable Housing Part 4: Location, Vocation and Motivation
It’s hard to know where to start in addressing our complex affordable housing problem. Here are three places we can focus our attention.
Affordable Housing Part 3: Converting NIMBY’s to YIMBY’s
Converting NIMBY’s to YIMBY’s involves addressing their fears systematically.
Affordable Housing Part 2: Fact Checking NIMBY’s Greatest Fears
My experience having affordable housing down the street was that it had no effect on my property value. But the plural of anecdote is not data. What the data shows about the impact of affordable housing on property values may surprise you.
Affordable Housing Part 1: Do We Really Want More of It?
Call it “affordable” housing. Call it “workforce” housing. We don’t have enough of it. That causes big problems not just for those who need it, but for all of us.
Eat the Frog — and Other Words to Live By (Part 2)
Part 2 of my story on the power — and the limitations — of nonintuitive advice. What’s the best advice you ever got?.
Eat the Frog — and Other Words to Live By (Part 1)
It’s advice-giving season in the US as families come together to share food and ideas. Here’s some of my favorite advice, prepared in two appetizing servings….
Cafeterias, Bars and Innovation
More and more people want to work from home. This saves them time and may even allow them to produce more work. But, increasingly, it appears innovation may suffer.
Choosing How to Work: The Horse Race That’s No Longer a Horse Race
In the competition for where people will work in the future, one arrangement is clearly winning: hybrid work. Is this a good thing for employees? For employers? What the data shows about hybrid work, and where we may be going in the future.
Back to Work Around the World
Pandemic, schmandemic. Workfromhome, schmurkfromhome. The US work world may have changed forever during COVID-19, but in places across the world, it’s back to the office, business almost as usual.
The Showdown at the Virtual Office Corral
The office building has been a staple of American worklife for decades. The pandemic changed that. Now the bills are coming due. Something’s gotta give.