The Power of Singles Hitters in a Homerun Culture
You can win a lot more games quietly swinging for singles than you can just going for homers.
Want Your AC Fixed? Good Luck.
We don’t have nearly enough people to build, rebuild or fix our homes, hospitals and businesses. The shortage is one we created. It’s time to get serious about fixing it.
Choosing a Career: Talent or Passion?
A trip to Broadway forces some thinking about the criteria we use to choose our careers.
Not Enough Workers? Part 3: How the Washingtons Could Lead the Way
The work fortunes of men and women are going in different directions. What policy makers can learn from Washington…and Washington.
Not Enough Workers? Part 2: More Places to Find Them
Finding employees these days is like a tricky game of Where’s Waldo? The worker shortage gives employers an opportunity — and a cattle prod — to think differently about hiring historically marginalized groups.
Not Enough Workers? Part 1: Look to Prisons
Former prisoners can be a key part of the solution in a time of short labor supply.