Make America Join Again
It’s time to start a new epidemic in America: joining. We’ve done it before.
The Original Blueprints for the City Upon a Hill
A line from a 1630 sermon has become a talking point for American politicians. They should read the original document a little more closely.
One Big Thing to Learn from… Denmark
Danes are twice as trusting as Americans. That pays off in some big and unexpected ways. What can the US learn from Denmark?
D-Day, Dad’s Day and a Message to a Complaining Nation
The lessons we learn from our parents stick with us. The children of World War II veterans got some special insights.
The Way the (Real) Music Dies
The arrival of new music AI’s is frightening. Look over a cliff and you might see the end of the human music business…
Everybody Needs a Good Editor (Right?)
Everybody needs a good editor. You know, someone who lets us know when an idea’s not quite ready or goes on too long or could be more succinct? Well, Taylor Swift is testing the idea.
Flashback: Responding to Injustice: What Would We Have Done?
The new film Zone of Interest raises wrenching questions about what we would have done to stop what was happening if we were living in Nazi Germany. In this piece (originally written in August 2023) I try to wrestle with how we answer questions like that.
Beyoncé and the Question: What is “Country” Music?
“Cowboy Carter” is raising tough questions about what country music is — and whether Black women can sing it.
The Three R’s of Recovery
Plants close. Relationships end. Jobs disappear. Change sucks. How do we get better at it?
Why Is It So Hard to Hear Good News?: Velcro, Algorithms, Politics and Snickers Bars
A further look at why, when some things are going well in the US, so many people feel so negative about so many things. It’s not just our negativity bias.
2023: A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year (Not)
Don’t buy the hype; there was plenty to be happy about in 2023 — if you look for it.
Stocking Stuffers - 5 Songs New This Year
What kind of grownup did Cindy Lou Who turn out to be? This question and more answered in 5 new Christmas songs…